Health Disclaimer: Essential Guidance for Crystal Use

Our blog celebrates the age-old tradition of using crystals for emotional and physical support. However, this is not medical advice. Always prioritize and follow the guidance of healthcare professionals for medical conditions. Consider crystal healing as a complementary, not alternative, practice.

Yellow Quartz Vs Citrine

Have you ever wondered about the difference between yellow quartz and citrine? Both of these beautiful gemstones have a similar appearance, but they are actually quite different. In this blog post, we will explore the similarities and differences between yellow quartz and citrine. So, whether you’re a gemstone enthusiast or just curious about these sparkling rocks, read on to learn more!

Today, let’s dive deep into the world of yellow gemstones and explore two of the most mesmerizing members of the quartz family: yellow quartz and citrine. If you’ve ever found yourself caught in the middle of the yellow quartz vs citrine debate, you’re in the right place.

Table of Contents

A Glimpse into Yellow Quartz and Citrine

When I first ventured into the world of crystals, yellow quartz and citrine often felt synonymous. With their vibrant hues ranging from pale yellow to a more intense golden yellow, these stones can indeed look quite similar to the untrained eye. However, the deeper I explored, the clearer the distinction between them became.

Understanding this difference is pivotal. Not just for the seasoned crystal collector, but for anyone who finds solace, power, and energy in these radiant stones.

Yellow Quartz Vs Citrine: Summary

Yellow quartz and citrine are both stunning gemstones known for their yellow hues, but they differ in various aspects:

  • Color: Yellow quartz is typically a consistent lemon to bright yellow. Citrine has a range from golden yellow to orange.
  • Chakras: Both resonate with the solar plexus chakra. However, citrine can also connect with the sacral and crown chakras.
  • Origins: Most citrines in the market are heated amethysts, while natural citrine is rarer. Yellow quartz can be found mingled with hematoid quartz deposits.
  • Use: Both gemstones are popular in jewelry and for metaphysical properties. Yellow quartz offers emotional healing and mental clarity. Citrine is known for attracting abundance and emotional healing.
Yellow Quartz Vs Citrine
Yellow Quartz Vs Citrine

Yellow Quartz: A Symphony in Yellow

What is Yellow Quartz?

Yellow quartz, sometimes referred to as lemon quartz when it takes on a lemon yellow hue, is a lovely member of the quartz family. This stone is like a drop of sunlight, capturing the beauty of a bright day.

Geological Origin and Formation

Yellow quartz is predominantly silicon dioxide, and it owes its delightful shade to the presence of other elements and inclusions. It’s commonly found in regions such as Brazil, though it’s not restricted to this location alone. In fact, yellow quartz can pop up in many other locations across the globe.

Physical Properties of Yellow Quartz

  • Color: While yellow quartz can range from a soft pale hue to a more golden tone, it often lacks the orange-yellow intensity that citrine boasts.
  • Luster: Known for its vitreous luster, yellow quartz has that quintessential sparkle we love in the quartz family.
  • Hardness: Like its other quartz siblings, yellow quartz scores a 7 on the Mohs scale, making it durable and resistant to scratches.

Cultural Significance and Historical Use

Legends tell us of ancient civilizations using yellow quartz as a stone of power. Often, it was believed that this gemstone could provide clarity and help in decision-making. In some cultures, it was even thought to attract money and abundance.

Yellow Quartz Today

Whether you’re wearing it as jewelry or using it in meditation, yellow quartz serves as a beacon of positivity and optimism. Its healing properties are believed to aid the digestive system and boost mental clarity.

Citrine: The Merchant’s Gem

What is Citrine?

Ah, citrine! Named after the French word for lemon, “citron”, citrine is truly the embodiment of zest and vibrancy. Most citrine found in the market today is not natural citrine. Instead, it’s often amethyst that’s undergone heat treatment. The heating amethyst at elevated temperatures results in that signature golden yellow color of citrine.

Geological Origin and Formation

Citrine, in its natural form, occurs sparingly. It’s primarily found in Brazil, but also in other parts of the world. Its formation is due to the presence of iron in quartz crystals and often depends on elevated temperatures and certain conditions during its formation.

Physical Properties of Citrine

  • Color: Citrine boasts a spectrum of colors from pale to golden yellow to reddish brown. Most citrine has a distinct golden yellow color that sets it apart.
  • Luster: Just like yellow quartz, citrine has a beautiful vitreous luster that captures light brilliantly.
  • Hardness: Scoring a 7 on the Mohs scale, citrine is just as robust and durable as yellow quartz.

Cultural Significance and Historical Use

Citrine, often known as the merchant’s stone, was historically used by traders and businessmen, believing it could attract wealth. This gem has been found in ancient Greek jewelry as early as the Hellenistic period.

Read also: Guide to crystals for wealth and abundance.

Embracing Citrine Today

Citrine is not just a stone; it’s a vibe. It’s all about elevating self-esteem, attracting abundance, and tapping into creativity. From beautiful jewelry pieces to its use in spiritual practices, citrine is a versatile gem in the modern world.

Read also: What does citrine do?

Citrine and Yellow Quartz: Similarities

Despite their differences, citrine and yellow quartz share some lovely commonalities:


At first glance, especially when hues are subtler, it can be challenging to differentiate between the two. Both stones can range from a pale to bright yellow color, with citrine sometimes verging on orange.

Metaphysical Properties

For those who love to delve into the spiritual realm, both these stones resonate with the solar plexus chakra. This means they’re fantastic for self-confidence, personal power, and harnessing one’s inner strength.

Healing Energies

Both citrine and yellow quartz are believed to offer emotional and mental healing. They’re about clarity, positivity, and rejuvenating the spirit.

Yellow Quartz Vs Citrine: Differences

Chakras and Energies

While both these gems are associated with the solar plexus chakra, their energies can differ subtly:

  • Yellow Quartz: Primarily resonates with the solar plexus, aiding in improving self-worth and encouraging positivity.
  • Citrine: While it’s rooted in the solar plexus, citrine also occasionally vibes with the sacral and crown chakras, promoting creativity and spiritual connection.

Appearance, Pattern, and Clarity

  • Yellow Quartz: Often a more transparent and pure yellow, lacking orange or reddish hues. This stone can sometimes contain hematoid quartz or what some call golden healer quartz, giving it distinct patterns and inclusions.
  • Citrine: Tends to have a richer, golden yellow to orange hue. Natural citrine can show slight smoky patterns due to its relationship with smoky quartz.

Hardness and Chemical Composition

Both stones score a 7 on the Mohs scale and are primarily silicon dioxide. However, the presence of iron in citrine gives it its distinct color.

Folklore and Mythological Backgrounds

  • Yellow Quartz: Often seen as a stone of clarity and thought, legends whispered of its power to connect with the higher realms and invoke inspiration.
  • Citrine: Stories from ancient merchants and traders prized citrine as the stone for attracting abundance – often termed the merchant’s stone.

Care and Maintenance

While both these gems are relatively hardy:

  • Yellow Quartz: Being transparent, it might showcase scratches more prominently. It’s a good practice to store it separately from other gems like diamond.
  • Citrine: Sensitive to prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. Its golden color might fade, so it’s better to store it away from direct light.

Comparison Table: Yellow Quartz Vs Citrine

For those who love a quick snapshot:

PropertyYellow QuartzCitrine
ColorLemon to bright yellowGolden yellow to orange
ChakraSolar PlexusSolar Plexus, Sacral, Crown
OriginMixed with hematoid quartzOften heated amethyst
Natural SourceBrazil, among other locationsNatural sources rare; Brazil prominent
Jewelry PopularityCommonHighly Popular
Metaphysical PropertiesEmotional healing, Mental clarity, Bolstering self-esteem, Dissolving self-doubtAttracting abundance, Emotional healing, Boosting creativity, Mental clarity
Hardness (Mohs Scale)77
FolkloreAssociated with sun gods, believed to be a stone of light and clarityOften considered a merchant’s stone, believed to bring prosperity and success

Differentiating Yellow Quartz from Citrine

With such nuanced differences, how does one distinguish a citrine from a yellow quartz, especially in a market where many jewelers might sell citrine labeled as something else?

Visual Cues

While both can have a golden yellow hue:

  • Yellow Quartz: More consistent in its coloring, with a soft, lemony brightness.
  • Citrine: Has deeper hues, sometimes veering towards orange or even a reddish brown.

Physical Tests

  • Hardness: Though both are at a 7 on the Mohs scale, citrine, especially if it’s heat-treated, can sometimes be slightly softer.
  • Scratch Test: Due to their similar hardness, this isn’t the most effective method, but using a known harder material like topaz can give insights.

Professional Identification and Certification

If you’re ever in doubt, always get your gemstone certified. A gemologist will be able to provide insights on its crystalline structure, inclusions, and more.

Metaphysical Properties

Yellow Quartz

  • Emotional Healing: Yellow quartz, with its radiant lemon yellow energy, is said to offer immense emotional healing. It’s a crystal known to dissolve feelings of self-doubt, bolstering your self-esteem.
  • Mental Clarity: A remarkable stone for clarity and focus, yellow quartz assists those who might be feeling mentally foggy or overwhelmed.


  • Attracting Abundance: Citrine is often termed the merchant’s stone because of its reputed ability to attract money and prosperity. Keeping a citrine in your cash register or wallet is an age-old practice believed to bring in the bucks!
  • Digestive System: On the physical healing front, citrine is believed to support the digestive system. This link with the solar plexus chakra makes it a natural ally for tummy troubles.
  • Emotional Healing: Citrine, especially when it sports a rich golden yellow color, is a champion for the emotionally weary. It’s said to drive away dark thoughts and replace them with optimism.

Also read: How to use citrine.

Jewelry and Adornment

Both yellow quartz and citrine are stunning choices for jewelry. Their bright yellow and golden yellow hues shimmer brilliantly under the light, making them popular choices for rings, necklaces, and earrings. Notably, citrine’s November birthstone status makes it a cherished gift for Scorpio and Sagittarius zodiacs.

Geological Nuggets

  • Yellow Quartz: Often found mingled with hematoid quartz deposits. Brazil is a prominent location, but don’t be surprised to find them in other locations across the globe.
  • Citrine: Interestingly, most citrine in the market is produced by heating amethyst. Natural citrine occurs sparingly and is highly sought after. Regions in Brazil are often associated with high-quality citrine.

Other Yellow Stones – Comparison

Yellow stones, while often confused with each other, have distinct properties and energies. A few of the more common counterparts are:

  • Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj: Believed to bring luck in marriage and wealth. It’s a stone that resonates with the heart chakra too.
  • Sunstone: Often contains red flecks, giving it an almost fiery effect. The stone is closely connected to the sun and brings warmth, joy, and lightheartedness.
  • Golden Quartz: A quartz with suspended golden rutile inclusions resembling a starry night sky. It’s said to be a potent amplifier of one’s intentions and desires.
  • Yellow topaz: Often associated with good fortune and abundance. It’s also said to be a stone of joy and happiness. Read also: Are citrine and topaz the same?
  • Yellow Calcite: A bright yellow or lemon calcite, often containing rainbows. Believed to offer clarity of thought and a boost in one’s creative pursuits.
  • Amber: Created from fossilized tree resin, it can range from golden yellow to a deeper, earthier tone. It’s appreciated for its healing properties and believed to absorb pain and negativity.

Conclusion: Yellow Quartz Vs Citrine

In conclusion, while yellow quartz and citrine may look similar, there are important differences between the two. Yellow quartz can be natural, while citrine is always heat treated. Citrine is rarer and more valuable than yellow quartz, which is common and readily available. Despite their differences, both yellow quartz and citrine have many beneficial properties and are a beautiful addition to any collection. So, next time you’re admiring a sparkling yellow gemstone, take a closer look and see if it’s yellow quartz or citrine!

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