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Our blog celebrates the age-old tradition of using crystals for emotional and physical support. However, this is not medical advice. Always prioritize and follow the guidance of healthcare professionals for medical conditions. Consider crystal healing as a complementary, not alternative, practice.

Can Citrine Go In Water?

Hello, fellow crystal enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving deep into a question that’s been making waves in the crystal community: “Can citrine go in water?” Citrine, a member of the quartz family, is known for its sunny disposition and positive healing energy. But when it comes to cleansing citrine, is water a friend or foe? Let’s find out!

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What is Citrine?

Citrine is a variety of quartz crystal that ranges from light yellow to a rich, golden brown. Known as the “Merchant’s Stone,” citrine is beloved for its purported ability to attract wealth and prosperity. But it’s not just about the money – citrine is also said to clear negative energy, making it a favorite among healing crystals.

Can citrine go in water?
Can citrine go in water?

Benefits of Citrine

Citrine is more than just a pretty face in the quartz family. Its healing properties are said to include:

  • Clearing negative energies: Citrine is believed to transform unwanted energy into positive energy.
  • Boosting creativity: Linked to the solar plexus chakra, citrine is said to spark creativity and personal power.
  • Promoting mental clarity: Need a mental health treatment? Citrine is often used in meditation for clarity and manifesting intentions.

For more information on the benefits of citrine, read our dedicated answer to the question: What does citrine do?

Why Would You Want to Put Citrine in Water?

You might be wondering why anyone would consider putting citrine in water. Well, some crystal enthusiasts believe that water can amplify the energy of crystals, making their healing powers even more potent. Plus, water is often used to cleanse citrine crystals of any stale energy they might have picked up. And let’s not forget about crystal elixirs or gem-infused water – some people even add citrine to their drinking water!

Citrine on the MOHs Hardness Scale

Before we plunge into the water question, let’s talk about hardness. The MOHs hardness scale measures how resistant a mineral is to being scratched. Citrine, being a type of quartz, scores a 7, making it one of the harder crystals. This means it’s less likely to be damaged by minor scratches or abrasions. But remember, hardness doesn’t make it invincible!

Can Citrine Go in Water?

So, can citrine go in water? Generally, yes. Thanks to its score on the MOHs hardness scale, citrine can typically handle a dip in water. However, prolonged exposure might affect the luster of the stone. And be sure to avoid hot water – sudden temperature changes can be harmful. Also, keep in mind that some citrine stones are heat-treated amethysts, and too much water might reveal their true purple color.

Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Put Citrine in Water

While most quartz crystals, including citrine, can handle water, there are a few reasons you might want to avoid it:

  • Potential damage: Over time, water might affect the color or luster of the citrine stone.
  • Heat-treated stones: Some citrine crystals are actually amethysts in disguise. Too much water could wash away their golden glow.
  • Temperature changes: Hot water, or a quick change in temperature, could damage your citrine.

Can Citrine Go in Saltwater?

What about saltwater? Can citrine go in that? Generally, yes. Saltwater is often used for cleansing crystals. However, salt can be corrosive over time, so don’t leave your citrine soaking for too long. And remember, always rinse your citrine in fresh water after a salt bath to remove any residual salt.

How to Cleanse Citrine in Salt Water

If you’re interested in cleansing citrine in salt water, here’s a simple method you can follow:

  1. Fill a bowl with lukewarm water and add a pinch of sea salt.
  2. Place your citrine crystal in the bowl.
  3. Let it soak for a few hours, but not more than 24 hours.
  4. After soaking, remove your citrine from the salt water and rinse it under fresh water to remove any residual salt.
  5. Pat your citrine dry with a soft cloth.

Remember, while citrine is a hard crystal, it’s still important to handle it with care. Too much time in salt water can potentially affect its luster, so it’s best to limit these cleansing sessions.

Effects of Saltwater on Citrine

Saltwater is often used in crystal therapy due to its purifying properties. When citrine is placed in salt water, it’s believed that the salt helps to draw out any negative or unwanted energies from the crystal. This leaves your citrine feeling energetically fresh and ready to work its magic again!

However, it’s important to remember that salt can be corrosive over time. If you’re planning on using this cleansing method regularly, make sure to rinse your citrine thoroughly after each salt water bath to remove any residual salt.

Can Citrine Go in Full Moon Water?

Full moon water is water that has been charged under the light of a full moon. It’s a popular tool in many spiritual practices, and yes, you can put your citrine in it! The energy of the full moon is believed to cleanse and recharge crystals, enhancing their natural properties. Just remember to remove your citrine from the water after the moonlight bath to prevent any potential water damage.

What is Full Moon Water?

Full moon water is exactly what it sounds like – water that has been left out under the light of a full moon. Many people believe that this water is imbued with the energy of the moon, making it a powerful tool in various spiritual practices. Whether you’re using it to water your plants, in your bath, or to cleanse your crystals, full moon water brings a little lunar magic into your everyday life.

Why Use Full Moon Water with Citrine

Using full moon water with citrine is like giving your crystal a deep energetic cleanse. The moon’s energy is believed to clear away any negative or stale energy, leaving your citrine radiating with positive healing energy. Plus, it’s a beautiful ritual that connects you with the natural rhythms of the earth – a full moon bath is a special treat for any crystal!

How to Use Citrine in Full Moon Water

Using citrine in full moon water is a simple and beautiful ritual. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. On the night of a full moon, fill a bowl with water.
  2. Place your citrine in the water.
  3. Leave the bowl in a place where it can bathe in the moonlight. This could be outside, or on a windowsill.
  4. In the morning, remove your citrine from the water and pat it dry.

Remember, even though citrine is part of the hard crystals group, it’s still important to handle it with care. Don’t leave your citrine in the water for an extended period, and always dry it thoroughly after its moon bath.

Can You Put Citrine in the Bath?

Yes, you can put citrine in the bath! Adding citrine to your bath is a wonderful way to create a relaxing and rejuvenating experience. The warm water helps to release the energy of the citrine, infusing your bath with its positive vibes. Just remember to avoid using harsh bath products, as they could potentially damage your citrine.

How to Use Citrine in the Bath

Ready for a citine-infused bath? Here’s a simple guide:

  1. Fill your bath with warm water.
  2. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oils for an extra layer of relaxation.
  3. Place your citrine in the bath. You can either let it rest at the bottom or float it in a water-safe container.
  4. Step into the bath and relax. As you soak, visualize the healing properties of the citrine infusing the water and washing over you.
  5. Once you’re done, carefully remove the citrine from the bath and pat it dry with a soft cloth.

Remember, citrine is a hard crystal, but it’s still a precious stone. Always handle it with care to maintain its beautiful luster.

Can You Drink Citrine Infused Water?

Yes, you can drink citrine infused water! Known as a crystal elixir, this is water that has been charged with the healing properties of a crystal. In this case, citrine. Drinking citrine infused water is believed to imbibe the body with the crystal’s healing energy. However, it’s important to ensure your citrine is safe and clean before using it to make an elixir.

The Benefits of Drinking Citrine Infused Water

Drinking citrine infused water is like taking a sip of sunshine! Here are some potential benefits:

  • Energy Boost: Citrine is known for its energizing properties. Drinking citrine water might give you a natural energy boost.
  • Positive Vibes: Citrine is all about positivity. Its good vibes could help lift your mood and outlook.
  • Creativity Kick: Need a burst of creativity? Citrine is linked to the solar plexus chakra, the center of our creative energy.

How to Make Citrine Infused Water

Making citrine infused water is simple. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Cleanse your citrine crystal. You can do this by running it under cold tap water, then patting it dry.
  2. Fill a glass or crystal water bottle with fresh water.
  3. Place your citrine in the water. If you’re using a crystal water bottle, it likely has a compartment for the crystal.
  4. Let the citrine sit in the water for at least 30 minutes, allowing the water to charge with the citrine’s energy.
  5. After 30 minutes, your citrine infused water is ready to drink!

Remember, always cleanse your citrine before and after making your elixir to keep it energetically fresh and physically clean.

How to Cleanse Citrine with Water

Cleansing your citrine is an important part of crystal care. Here’s how you can cleanse your citrine with water:

  1. Hold your citrine under running tap water for a few minutes. The water should be cool or lukewarm, not hot.
  2. As the water runs over the citrine, visualize it washing away any negative or unwanted energies.
  3. Once you’ve finished, pat your citrine dry with a soft cloth.

Remember, while citrine is a hard crystal and can handle water, it’s still best to avoid prolonged exposure. Always dry your citrine thoroughly after cleansing it with water.

Charging Citrine in Spring Water

Charging your citrine in spring water is another way to cleanse and recharge it. The fresh, natural energy of spring water is believed to resonate with the healing properties of citrine, enhancing its energy.

Why Charge Citrine with Spring Water

Spring water is water that comes from a natural spring. It’s considered to be pure and full of life-giving energy. Charging your citrine in spring water is like giving it a fresh start, clearing away any stale energy and recharging it with thevitality of nature.

How to Charge Citrine with Spring Water

Charging your citrine with spring water is a simple process. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Find a natural spring or purchase bottled spring water.
  2. Fill a bowl with the spring water.
  3. Place your citrine in the water.
  4. Leave the citrine in the water for a few hours, allowing the crystal to absorb the energy of the spring water.
  5. After charging, remove the citrine from the water and pat it dry.

Remember, always handle your citrine with care. Even though it’s a hard crystal, it can still be damaged by rough handling or sudden temperature changes.

Cleansing Citrine with Rain Water

Rain water, with its fresh and natural energy, is another great option for cleansing your citrine. The energy of the rain is believed to cleanse and recharge crystals, making it a perfect match for your citrine.

Why Use Rain Water to Cleanse Citrine

Rain water is considered to be one of the purest forms of water. It’s believed to be charged with the energy of the sky and the earth, making it a powerful cleansing agent. Using rain water to cleanse your citrine not only cleanses the crystal of any negative or stale energy, but also recharges it with the fresh and potent energy of the rain.

Steps to Cleanse Citrine with Rain Water

Cleansing your citrine with rain water is a simple and natural process. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Collect fresh rain water in a clean bowl or container.
  2. Place your citrine in the rain water.
  3. Leave the citrine in the water for a few hours, allowing the crystal to absorb the energy of the rain water.
  4. After cleansing, remove the citrine from the water and pat it dry.

Remember, always handle your citrine with care. Even though it’s a hard crystal, it can still be damaged by rough handling or sudden temperature changes.

Benefits of Cleansing Citrine with Rain Water

Cleansing your citrine with rain water offers several benefits:

  • Natural Energy: Rain water is charged with the natural energy of the earth and sky, providing a powerful cleanse for your citrine.
  • Fresh Start: The cleansing power of rain water can help to clear away any negative or stale energy from your citrine, giving it a fresh start.
  • Recharging: As well as cleansing your citrine, rain water can also help to recharge it, enhancing its natural healing properties.

Ways to Cleanse Citrine Without Water

While water is a popular method for cleansing citrine, it’s not the only option. There are several other methods you can use to cleanse your citrine without water, including:


This involves burning sacred herbs, such as sage or palo santo, and passing your citrine through the smoke. The smoke is believed to cleanse and purify the crystal.


Certain crystals, like selenite and clear quartz, are believed to have the ability to cleanse other crystals. Simply place your citrine on or near one of these cleansing crystals.


Citrine can also be cleansed and recharged by the light of the sun. However, be careful not to leave your citrine in direct sunlight for too long, as this can cause it to fade.


The light of the full moon is another great way to cleanse and recharge your citrine. Simply leave your citrine out under the light of the full moon.


You can also cleanse your citrine by holding it in your hands and setting the intention to cleanse and recharge it. Visualize anynegative or unwanted energy being washed away and replaced with fresh, positive energy.

Summary: Citrine and Water

Citrine, with its sunny disposition and positive healing energy, is a beloved member of the quartz family. While it can generally handle a dip in water, it’s important to remember that not all crystals are water-friendly. Always do your research before introducing your crystals to water, and remember to handle your precious stones with care.

Whether you’re cleansing your citrine in a bowl of fresh spring water, charging it under the light of the full moon, or sipping on a citrine-infused elixir, remember that the most important thing is your intention. Crystals are tools to help us tap into our own energy and power. So, here’s to clear intentions, positive energy, and the joy of working with citrine!

Remember, while the world of crystals can be deeply fascinating and enriching, they should never replace medical or mental health treatment. Always seek professional help when needed.

And that’s a wrap on our deep dive into the question, “Can citrine go in water?” I hope you found this guide helpful and informative. Happy crystal journeying, friends!

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