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Jade vs Aventurine

Crystals have always carried a certain allure to them, with their vibrant colors and mystical properties. Two types of crystals that are often compared to each other are Jade vs Aventurine. These crystals may look similar at first glance, but they have distinct differences in both appearance and healing properties. In this blog post, we will be exploring the differences between Jade and Aventurine and how they can benefit your spiritual and emotional health.

Table of Contents


ChakraHeart ChakraHeart Chakra
AppearanceGreen (varies from pale to dark)Green (primarily, but also other colors)
Metaphysical PropertiesAttract wealth, luck, and prosperity. Spiritual growth.Attract wealth, luck, and prosperity. Spiritual growth.
Healing PropertiesAttract wealth, luck, prosperity, spiritual growth, healingAttract wealth, luck, prosperity, spiritual growth, healing
OriginFormed under metamorphic conditionsIgneous stone from cooling magma
SourcesChina, Myanmar, Central AmericaIndia, Brazil, Russia, Himalayas
Color VariationsPale light to dark green, sometimes lemonyGreen, blue, red, brown
Clarity and PatternClear, occasional dark veinsGrainy texture, shimmering effect
Hardness6-7 on Mohs scale7 on Mohs scale
CompositionNephrite or jadeiteQuartz with mica/minerals
Vibrational PropertiesLinked to number 11Vibrates to number 3
Zodiac AssociationsAries, Taurus, Gemini, LibraAries, Leo, Capricorn
Ruling PlanetsNeptuneMercury
Value and RarityHigh (especially imperial jade)Moderate (depends on clarity & shimmer intensity)
Table showing similarities and differences of jade and aventurine crystals
Jade vs Aventurine
Jade vs Aventurine

What is Jade?

Geological Origin and Formation

Jade is not just a single mineral. Instead, when we talk about jade, we’re often referring to two distinct minerals: nephrite and jadeite. These two minerals, often mistaken for one another, are what give jade its myriad of colors and properties. They form under intense metamorphic conditions, generally within the Earth’s crust.

Physical Properties

  • Color: Most of us imagine a verdant green shade when we think of jade. This iconic green color is primarily attributed to jadeite jade. However, jade can also be found in brown, white, and even purplish hues. Special mentions to nephrite jade which can sometimes appear in a beautiful lemony green shade or dark green. Jadeite jade, on the other hand, can exhibit deeper green colors, and at times, be translucent.
  • Luster: Under a bright light, high quality jade can have a greasy to vitreous luster, giving it a smooth, shiny appearance that’s simply irresistible.
  • Hardness: Jade is a tough stone. On the Mohs scale, it usually ranks between 6 to 7, which means it’s reasonably resistant to scratches.

Cultural Significance and Historical Use

Jade has been revered, especially in Chinese culture, for thousands of years. It’s been used for everything from ornamental figurines to intricate jewelry pieces. Buddha statues carved from jade are not only religious symbols but are also considered lucky stones. Jade belongs to a legacy of tradition, respect, and admiration.

Meaning and Healing Properties

Metaphysical properties of jade have been acknowledged for centuries. In the world of feng shui, jade is known to attract harmony, peace, and prosperity. Being associated with the heart chakra, jade is said to foster emotional balance and nurture love.

What is Aventurine?

Geological Origin and Formation

Aventurine is a type of quartz, making it different in chemical composition from jade. This sparkly stone owes its shimmering or glittering effect to mineral inclusions like muscovite mica, hematite, or goethite. Unlike jade, aventurine is formed from the cooling of magma, making it a member of the igneous rock family.

Physical Properties

  • Color: The most popular and recognized color of aventurine is green, sometimes called Indian jade because of its similar appearance to jade. But aventurine isn’t limited to just green. It can also come in brown and orange colors, with each hue offering a unique charm. The green aventurine variety, in particular, can range from a pale lighter green color to a dark, almost emerald-like shade.
  • Luster: Aventurine’s hallmark is its spangled appearance, thanks to the mineral inclusions that lend it a glittery effect. When held up to a bright light, this effect becomes even more pronounced.
  • Hardness: Aventurine, being a quartz variety, is also quite hard, measuring 7 on the Mohs scale.

Cultural Significance and Historical Use

Aventurine may not have the ancient legacy of jade, but it’s found its place among gemstone enthusiasts and cultures around the world. Often considered a stone of prosperity, aventurine is also one of those lucky stones that gamblers are fond of. The name “aventurine” is derived from the Italian “a ventura,” meaning “by chance,” a nod to its reputation as a stone of luck.

Meaning and Healing Properties

Aventurine is also associated with the heart chakra, making it a stone of comfort and balance. Crystal enthusiasts believe in its power to calm raging emotions, stimulate creativity, and attract abundance.

Read also: What does green aventurine do?

Similarities Between Jade and Aventurine

Now, let’s focus on why these two green colored gemstones are so frequently confused:

Heart Chakra:

Both jade and aventurine are associated with the heart chakra. This means that they are believed to have a strong connection with the heart, enabling them to promote emotional balance, compassion, and love. The vibrations of these stones are said to open up the heart and increase its capacity for empathy and forgiveness.


One of the main reasons why aventurine’s green variety is frequently mistaken for jade is their similar color and appearance. Both can range from light green to much darker greens, although green aventurine is just one color of that stone, which can also be blue, brown or orange. However, upon closer inspection, it is easy to see differences between the two stones, including the presence of small shimmering particles in aventurine, which are caused by the inclusion of mica or other minerals.

Metaphysical Properties:

In many cultures, both jade and aventurine are considered lucky stones. They are believed to attract wealth, luck, and prosperity. Both stones are also associated with spiritual growth and healing. They are often used in meditation practices and are believed to help connect the wearer to higher realms of consciousness.

Healing Properties:

In addition to their visual appeal and metaphysical properties, jade and aventurine are often used for their therapeutic healing benefits. Jade is believed to be a powerful stone for promoting physical health. It is thought to help detox the body, improve circulation, and support the immune system. Meanwhile, aventurine is associated with emotional healing. It is believed to calm and soothe the mind, relieve anxiety and stress, and promote mental clarity.

Earth Element:

Both jade and aventurine are deeply connected to the Earth element. This element symbolizes growth, nourishment, and stability. Wearing either of these stones is believed to help you connect with the natural world and find grounding in your life. They are often recommended for people who struggle with anxiety or are looking to find a sense of stability and balance.

Differences Between Jade and Aventurine

While they might appear quite similar to the untrained eye, jade and aventurine have distinct differences when you look a bit closer.


The biggest difference between aventurine and jade lies in their geological origin. As mentioned earlier, jade is formed under metamorphic conditions within the Earth’s crust, while aventurine is an igneous stone formed by the cooling of magma. They are therefore two different mineral forms and this is why their chemical composition differs.


Prominent sources include China, Myanmar (for jadeite jade), and parts of Central America.


Mainly found in India, Brazil, Russia, and the Himalayas.

Color Variations

One of the most noticeable differences between aventurine and jade is their color variation. Jade, which can range from pale light green to dark green and even to lemony green, has a very consistent color. Aventurine, on the other hand, comes in various colors such as green, blue, red, and brown depending on the inclusion of minerals.


Jade is a gorgeous gemstone that comes in various shades of green, from light to dark. Its consistency in color makes it a go-to choice for jewelry enthusiasts in need of a reliable and consistent green gemstone. Its lustrous appearance also plays a significant role in its popularity, making it a favorite among gemstone lovers.

From nephrite’s lemony color to the deeper green colors of jadeite, jade showcases a rich spectrum. Interestingly, there’s also an “imperial jade” which exhibits an intense green color, setting it apart as one of the most sought-after jade varieties. Sometimes, jade can also exhibit dark black veins, further enhancing its beauty and uniqueness.


Green aventurine, often mistakenly called Indian jade, is the most famous. However, you’ll also find aventurine in brown and orange colors, and even red aventurine and darker colors, giving it a versatile palette.

Aventurine is known for its shimmering or glittering effect, thanks to its mineral inclusions of muscovite mica, hematite, or goethite. This property enables Aventurine to appear magical, making it an excellent choice for those who want to add some sparkle to their jewelry collection.

Clarity and Pattern


Green jade is generally clear and devoid of inclusions, with the occasional appearance of dark black veins. This clarity is essential to the value of jade, as its beauty is seen in its even and consistent coloring and texture. They tend to be opaque stones with no transparent shimmering areas.


Aventurine, on the other hand, is distinguished by its grainy texture, which comes from tiny specks that twinkle under the light, producing a shimmering effect. This grainy texture enhances the visual appeal of Aventurine, making it a solid choice for individuals who want a unique gemstone with an impressive pattern.

Hardness and Durability


Both jadeite jade and nephrite jade are robust, with jadeite being slightly harder. On the Mohs scale, jade ranges between 6 to 7, making it suitable for daily wear.


Being a quartz variety, aventurine stands firm at 7 on the Mohs scale, making it equally durable, although it can be brittle and requires some gentle care.

Luster and Visual Appeal


Jade, especially high-quality jade, has a very consistent color and can even be translucent when held against a bright light. This gives it an otherworldly charm, unmatched by other gemstones.


The shimmering or glittering effect of aventurine, thanks to its mineral inclusions like muscovite mica, sets it apart. It’s this sparkle, especially under a bright light, that endears it to many.


In terms of chemical composition, Jade is composed of either of two minerals: nephrite (a magnesium and calcium silicate) or jadeite (a sodium and aluminum silicate). Aventurine, however, is essentially a quartz variety with inclusions of mica or other minerals.

Healing Properties and Metaphysical Differences

Aventurine and jade also differ slightly in their healing properties. While both stones have a reputation for promoting overall well-being, aventurine is often considered a stone of luck and is linked to prosperity. In contrast, jade is more readily associated with protection as well as fostering love and abundance.


Jade is a stone with strong connections to the Earth element and the heart chakra. It’s believed to promote prosperity, love, and protection while bringing soothing and healing energy to the body. It’s said to encourage self-discovery and help one reconnect with nature and their own inner wisdom. Jade is also believed to be beneficial for physical healing, particularly in relation to the immune system, the kidneys, and the nervous system.

In traditional Chinese medicine, jade is used to help balance the body’s energy system and promote overall well-being. Jade belongs to the lineage of stones considered beneficial in feng shui practices.


Aventurine’s metaphysical properties also include its ability to attract good luck and promote prosperity, but it’s often associated with abundance and wealth specifically. It’s also said to enhance creativity and decision-making skills, making it a popular choice among business professionals and artists. Physically, aventurine is believed to stimulate the metabolism, improve circulation, and boost the immune system.

Finally, it’s worth noting that aventurine and jade have different metaphysical significances. Jade has been used for centuries in feng shui practices and is considered a powerful symbol of balance and harmony. Aventurine, on the other hand, is often used to remove negative energy and ease anxiety, making it a popular choice for meditation and spiritual practices.

Vibrational Properties

Jade and aventurine have different vibrational properties, which makes them suitable for different purposes. Jade is often linked with number 11, signifying spiritual insight and enlightenment, making it an excellent stone for meditation and inner peace. Aventurine, on the other hand, vibrates to number 3, which promotes creativity and communication, so it is often used by artists, writers, and musicians.

Zodiac Associations

Another major difference between these stones is their zodiac associations. While Jade is associated with the signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Libra, aventurine is strongly connected to Aries but resonates other zodiac signs such as Leo and Capricorn.

Ruling Planets

Jade and aventurine have different ruling planets. Jade is ruled by Neptune, which enhances spiritual understanding and psychic abilities. Aventurine, on the other hand, is governed by Mercury, which aids in clear communication and decision-making.

Value and Rarity


High-quality jade, especially imperial jade, can be very valuable and is considered an expensive stone.


Generally more affordable but can vary in value based on clarity and the intensity of the shimmering effect.

Green Aventurine Vs Jade: Specific Comparison

Green aventurine and jade are both popular gemstones with similar hues, yet they have several key differences. Color is perhaps the most obvious difference between these two stones, as jade exhibits an even and consistent green shade while aventurine showcases various colors depending on its mineral inclusions.

Their luster also differs significantly; jade is generally clear and consistent while aventurine twinkles, producing a sparkling effect. In terms of hardness and durability, they are both quite robust at 6 to 7 on the Mohs scale.

Finally, their metaphysical properties also differ; jade is linked to protection, love, and abundance while aventurine is associated with luck and wealth. Ultimately, the best gemstone to choose for your jewelry depends on what you’re looking for in terms of spiritual or healing properties, as well as aesthetics and craftsmanship. Both jade and aventurine are beautiful stones with unique qualities that can add something special to any piece of jewelry.

How to Differentiate Between Jade and Aventurine

For those keen on distinguishing between these two green stones, here’s a brief guide:

Visual Cues

  • Jade: Look for a greasy or vitreous luster. Also, green jade, especially jadeite jade, can be translucent in bright light. Jade may also present in deeper green colors or even exhibit dark black veins.
  • Aventurine: Its defining feature is the shimmering or glittering effect due to its mineral inclusions. It’s generally green but can come in a pale lighter green color or even brown and orange colors.

Physical Tests

  • Hardness Test: Since both fall around the same range on the Mohs scale, this might not be the most defining test. However, jadeite jade is slightly harder than nephrite jade.
  • Scratch Test: This test is a bit tricky, but if done carefully, jade (being tougher) may resist scratches slightly better than aventurine.

Professional Identification and Certification

When in doubt, always consult a professional gemologist. They can use advanced techniques and equipment to definitively tell jade from aventurine. Additionally, if you’re investing in a valuable stone, always ask for a certification to ensure you’re getting real jade or genuine aventurine.

The Cultural Footprints of Jade and Aventurine

Jade and aventurine aren’t just rocks; they’re stories, ancient tales etched in time. Their significance and resonance in human civilization are profound.

Jade: The Gemstone of Empires

The Chinese Connection:

In Chinese culture, jade is way more than a gemstone. For millennia, it’s been revered as a symbol of purity, nobility, and power. Exquisite jade Buddha statues and ornamental figurines have graced many an imperial court, showcasing craftsmanship of the highest order.

Māori Traditions:

In New Zealand, the indigenous Māori have prized nephrite jade, called ‘pounamu’ or greenstone, as a valuable stone used for making weapons, tools, and jewelry. These items, handed down generations, are considered family heirlooms.

Aventurine: The Whisperer of Fortunes

Aventurine, particularly green aventurine (often mistakenly referred to as Indian jade or Australian jade), has been synonymous with luck across many cultures. Many believe that having an aventurine in your pocket can bring fortune your way. In Italy, it’s even dubbed as the “gambler’s stone,” believed to be particularly lucky in games of chance.

Caring for Jade and Aventurine

Both these minerals, jade (be it jadeite jade or nephrite jade) and aventurine, need care to maintain their luster and appeal.


Use a soft cloth and lukewarm water to gently cleanse them. Avoid any harsh chemicals or ultrasonic cleaners which might tarnish their natural beauty.


It’s best to store them separately to avoid scratching against other gemstones. Using soft pouches or fabric-lined boxes is ideal.


Given their relative hardness on the Mohs scale, both aventurine and jade can be worn daily. However, be cautious about knocking them against hard surfaces.

Conclusion: Jade vs Aventurine

Jade and Aventurine are two beautiful and beneficial crystals that may look similar at first glance but have distinct differences in their appearance, healing properties, spiritual properties, uses, and availability. Whether you are drawn to the calming energy of Jade or the grounding nature of Aventurine, both crystals can add a lot of value to your spiritual and emotional practices. No matter which crystal you choose, be sure to take time to reflect and connect with its unique properties and energies to truly reap its healing benefits.

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