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Our blog celebrates the age-old tradition of using crystals for emotional and physical support. However, this is not medical advice. Always prioritize and follow the guidance of healthcare professionals for medical conditions. Consider crystal healing as a complementary, not alternative, practice.

Can Citrine Go In The Sun?

Today, we’ll be diving deep into the enchanting world of citrine, one of the most radiant members of the quartz family. Now, if you’re a crystal enthusiast like myself, you’ve probably heard the question being thrown around, “Can citrine go in the sun?” This is something that many in the crystal-loving community grapple with, especially those who are new to the vast and complex world of healing crystals.

In this post I’ll not only be answering that question but also taking a comprehensive look at how sun exposure affects citrine and other quartz crystals. We’ll chat about everything from the potential benefits and drawbacks of letting your citrine catch some rays, to the precautions you should take to ensure your precious crystal jewelry doesn’t lose color or crack under the sun’s light.

Table of Contents


Citrine, a vibrant member of the quartz family, can indeed be placed in the sun, but with precautions. While brief sun exposure can help charge and cleanse the crystal, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight may cause citrine to fade, losing its vibrant yellow color due to the UV rays. It is also important to avoid extreme temperature changes as citrine is heat sensitive. Citrine can be kept in various locations such as a sunny windowsill, a glass case, or a dedicated crystal altar, each offering its own benefits. When outdoors, placing citrine on a natural surface or in a Feng Shui garden can be beneficial. Citrine, like other crystals, should be handled with care to avoid physical damage. Trusting your intuition is crucial for the best care of your citrine.

Benefits of Sun Exposure for Citrine

Let’s start by shining some light (pun absolutely intended) on the potential benefits of sun exposure for citrine.

Energizing the Crystal

Sunlight is known to invigorate many things, and crystals are no exception. Citrine, like its quartz family relatives, such as rose quartz, smoky quartz, and clear quartz, can draw energy from the sun. These quartz stones are believed to absorb and store the sun’s rays, leading to an amplified vibrational frequency. This can increase the crystal’s healing properties, making your citrine an even more powerful tool for energy work or feng shui.

Read also: How to activate citrine.

Clearing Out Negative Energies

Now, what’s more, the sun’s UV light is thought to aid in clearing negative energy from crystals. That’s right! Just as it can help disinfect your natural surface like a wooden bench, direct sunlight can cleanse your citrine of any lingering negative energies. This makes sunlight a useful tool when preparing your crystals for energy healing or other metaphysical properties enhancing practices.

Read also: Can carnelian and citrine be worn together?

can citrine go in the sun
can citrine go in the sun

Can I Charge Citrine In The Sun?

The Optimal Duration for Charging

The simple answer is yes, you can charge citrine in the sun. Citrine, much like other transparent crystals such as selenite crystal or semi transparent crystals like blue calcite, can be charged in the sun. However, the caveat lies in the duration of sun exposure. Letting your citrine go in the sun for an entire day might not be the best idea, as too much direct sun exposure can lead to fading.

Generally, charging your citrine in the morning sun for about three hours should do the trick. Remember, like most crystals, citrine doesn’t need to bask under the sun all day to soak up its energy.

How to Safely Charge Your Citrine in The Sun

For safe sun charging, place your citrine on a natural surface, like a rock or wooden table, preferably in your garden or sunny windowsill. Make sure it gets direct sunlight but do keep an eye on the clock. An overcooked citrine is not what we’re aiming for here!

Take Precautions When Letting Citrine Catch Rays

Of course, it’s important to remember that all crystals are different and react differently to direct sunlight. While some may thrive under the sun, others may not fare so well. As such, when letting your citrine catch some rays of sunshine, it’s best to take certain precautions. For one, it’s wise to cover your crystal in a thin cloth or wrap it in paper before placing it in direct sunlight. This will help prevent fading and cracking of the crystal due to overexposure to the sun’s UV rays.

It’s also important to remember that citrine is a vulnerable stone, so try to avoid exposing it too much heat as this can cause permanent damage. As such, if you’re planning to let your citrine soak up some sun, it’s a good idea to move the crystal under shade when the temperature rises too high.

Can You Cleanse Citrine In The Sun?

Like we touched on earlier, sunlight doesn’t just charge crystals; it also cleanses them.

How Sunlight Aids in Crystal Cleansing

Quartz crystals, from the deep smoky quartz to the clear quartz and our star of the show, citrine, can all benefit from a good sunbath. The UV rays break down the negative energy that the crystal may have absorbed, effectively ‘resetting’ the crystal to its natural, vibrant state. It’s almost like giving your citrine a sun-kissed glow up!

Steps to Cleanse Your Citrine In The Sun

Here are some simple steps to cleanse your citrine:

  1. Set an intention: Before you start, hold your citrine in your hand and mentally express your desire to cleanse it of any negative energies.
  2. Find a sunny spot: Place your citrine in a location where it can bask in direct sunlight. This could be outside in your garden, on your windowsill, or any spot where the sun’s rays can reach the crystal.
  3. Time it: As mentioned earlier, about three hours of sunlight should be sufficient to cleanse your citrine. You wouldn’t want it to fade in the sun.
  4. Thank the sun: Once your citrine has soaked up enough sun, it’s always a nice gesture to thank the sun for its cleansing energy. After all, the sun just did us a pretty big solid!

Remember, every crystal is unique. As such, some might need more or less time in the sun. Be attentive and you’ll soon get to know what works best for your citrine.

Will The Sun Damage Citrine?

Effects of Prolonged Sun Exposure on Citrine

The answer to this query is not as straightforward as a simple yes or no. Remember the age-old adage, “Too much of anything is good for nothing?” Well, that’s quite applicable here. While brief exposure to the sun can charge and cleanse your citrine, bathing it under the sun’s harsh rays for prolonged periods can result in your citrine losing its beautiful yellow color.

Just like how UV rays can cause certain fabrics to fade, they can also cause some crystals to lose color. So, if your citrine looks faded after sunbathing, the direct sunlight might be the culprit. You might wonder, “But can’t I just let my citrine go in the sun a little longer?” Well, the risk is that even short additional sun exposure increments can cause your citrine to fade in the sun. It’s a bit like how an additional few minutes in the sun can be the difference between a sun-kissed glow and a sunburn for us humans.

Read also: Will citrine fade in the sun?

Tips to Prevent Sun Damage

Now that we’ve determined that your citrine can potentially fade under direct sunlight, let’s chat about how to prevent that from happening.

  1. Time your sun exposure: Like I mentioned earlier, around three hours of direct sun should be plenty to charge and cleanse your citrine without causing damage.
  2. Avoid midday sun: The sun is strongest around midday, so to be on the safe side, aim for morning sun or late afternoon sun to charge and cleanse your citrine.
  3. Place a cloth over your crystal: If you’re unsure about your citrine’s sun tolerance, try placing a lightweight cloth over it while you expose it to the sun – this will protect it from over exposure to UV rays.

Is Citrine Heat Sensitive?

The Thermal Properties of Citrine

Citrine, like the rest of the quartz family, is relatively heat resistant. After all, most quartz stones, including citrine, are formed under high-temperature conditions deep within the Earth. But that’s not to say that citrine is completely immune to heat damage.

How Heat Can Alter Citrine’s Color and Structure

The yellow color of citrine comes from trace amounts of iron in the quartz crystal. Under extreme heat, this iron can be altered, leading to a change in color. What’s more, prolonged exposure to intense heat could potentially cause fractures in the crystal structure of the citrine, leading to crystal breaks.

This heat sensitivity isn’t unique to citrine, though. Other crystals, such as amethyst, another member of the quartz family, can also change color under intense heat.

Other Factors That Can Affect Your Citrine Crystal

Beyond the sun, there are other factors that can impact your citrine. Understanding these factors can help you take the best care of your citrine.


The Impact of Water on Citrine

While citrine isn’t as react heavily to water as some more fragile stones like selenite crystal, which consists of hydrated amorphous silica, it’s still a good idea to be cautious. Constant exposure to water can wear down your citrine over time.

Cautions When Cleansing Citrine with Water

If you’re planning to cleanse your citrine using water, opt for a quick rinse under lukewarm, not hot, water. And never, I repeat, never use salt water to cleanse your citrine. Salt water can be abrasive and may scratch the surface of your citrine, particularly if it’s polished.

Reat also: Can citrine go in water?


Using Salt for Cleansing and Charging Citrine

While it’s not recommended to cleanse your citrine with salt water, dry salt is a different story. Many crystal enthusiasts believe that salt can absorb negative energy, making it a good option for cleansing. You can simply bury your citrine in a bowl of dry salt to cleanse it.

Considerations When Using Salt with Citrine

When it comes to charging, though, you might want to skip the salt. Salt doesn’t hold or conduct energy as well as other crystals like clear quartz or selenite, so it’s not the best option for charging your citrine.

Remember, citrine, much like the unique spirit quartz or the beautiful stone that is lapis lazuli, is not just a hard stone, but also a holder of energy. Caring for it in the right way helps ensure it can do its job effectively.

Read also: Can citrine go in salt?

Where Should I Keep My Citrine?

Deciding where to keep your citrine involves a little more consideration than you might initially think. After all, the location can influence not only the crystal’s physical state but also its metaphysical properties.

Indoor Placements for Citrine

A Sunny Windowsill: This spot is perfect if you’d like your citrine to catch some indirect sun and charge naturally. It’s just like a little sunbath without the threat of the sun’s harsh rays. But remember, prolonged direct sun exposure might cause citrine to fade in the sun, so it’s important to monitor the sun’s path and your citrine’s color if you choose this spot.

A Glass Case: If you’re a proud owner of a collection of quartz crystals including citrine, amethyst, rose quartz, and smoky quartz, a glass case is an ideal display choice. It not only protects the crystals from dust but also allows you to admire their beauty while benefiting from their healing properties.

A Dedicated Crystal Altar: If you’re into the spiritual side of crystals, a dedicated crystal altar is a fantastic place to keep your citrine. The altar can provide a focal point for meditation and manifestation practices.

For more information on where to put citrine crystals in your home – read our full guide.

Outdoor Placements for Citrine

In a Natural Surface Setting: Like most crystals, citrine also loves to be connected with the earth. Placing it outside on a natural surface like soil can help the crystal stay grounded and maintain its powerful healing properties.

In a Feng Shui Garden: In Feng Shui, citrine is known for its ability to attract wealth and abundance. Placing your citrine in a Feng Shui garden can serve to magnify these properties, promoting positive energy flow throughout your space.

Wearing Citrine

As Crystal Jewelry: If you wish to keep the sunny vibes of citrine close to you at all times, consider wearing it as crystal jewelry. Whether you opt for a citrine ring, necklace, or bracelet, it’s a great way to enjoy the healing properties of this beautiful stone.

Read also: Who should not wear citrine?

Other Considerations for Citrine Care

Avoiding Physical Damage

Like most stones, citrine is a relatively hard stone, but it’s not immune to scratching or chipping. Always handle your citrine with care, and avoid knocking it against hard surfaces.

Comparing Citrine with Other Crystals

It’s important to note that while we’re focusing on citrine, other stones from the quartz family, like clear quartz and rose quartz, have similar properties and care requirements. Some stones, however, may be more sensitive. For instance, photo sensitive crystals like amethyst and smoky quartz may lose color more easily under direct sun exposure.

On the other hand, some stones are even tougher than citrine. Black onyx and black obsidian are two examples of crystals that can handle a bit more rough-and-tumble.

Following Your Intuition

Last but certainly not least, trust your intuition when it comes to caring for your citrine. Each crystal is unique, and what works for one might not work for another. So, do your own research and observe how your citrine responds to different conditions. And remember, you’re free to experiment until you find what works best for you and your crystal!


In this in-depth journey, we’ve addressed the question, “Can citrine go in the sun?” and dived into how the sun and other factors can impact citrine. Remember, whether it’s a stunning piece of tiger’s eye, a piece of green aventurine, or your precious citrine, every crystal deserves respect and care. Understanding and catering to each stone’s unique needs is key to maintaining their physical beauty and harnessing their healing powers.

Now that we’ve unraveled the mysteries surrounding citrine’s interaction with the sun, go ahead and enjoy your radiant citrine crystal. Let it be a reminder of the sunny energy that fills your life, providing warmth, abundance, and positivity every day.

Stay tuned for more fascinating explorations into the world of crystals. Until then, let your crystals shine bright, and let their healing energy resonate with your spirit. Crystal blessings to all!

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