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Our blog celebrates the age-old tradition of using crystals for emotional and physical support. However, this is not medical advice. Always prioritize and follow the guidance of healthcare professionals for medical conditions. Consider crystal healing as a complementary, not alternative, practice.

Can Citrine Go In Salt?

Citrine is a beautiful crystal which is considered to be a symbol of power and success. It is believed to bring a variety of positive energies such as creativity, motivation, and abundance. Due to its popularity, many crystal enthusiasts wonder if they can use citrine in salt for purification and charging. In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of using citrine in salt and provide you with a comprehensive guide to get started.

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Can Citrine Go in Salt: Summary

Yes, true citrine, a hard crystal on the Mohs hardness scale, can indeed withstand salt’s abrasive qualities. However, as with all things in life, moderation is key. Putting citrine in salt for extended periods can lead to slight erosion. But for short-term cleansing, it’s a green light. Also, heat treated amethyst or smoky quartz (sold as citrine) may not be able to withstand salt so well.

Why You Shouldn’t Use Salt With Your Citrine Crystal

Salt is a natural purifier that has been used for centuries to cleanse and charge various crystals. However, not all crystals are suitable to be used with salt. Citrine is one such crystal that requires special attention when it comes to salt. Unlike many other stones, citrine is quite sensitive to salt and can suffer damage if not used correctly.

The primary reason for citrine’s sensitivity to salt is due to its composition. Most citrine sold in the market is heat-treated amethysts or smoky quartz, which are prone to fading and damage in contact with salt. Also, citrine is relatively brittle and can weaken over time with prolonged exposure to salt.

In general, it is recommended that you avoid using citrine in contact with salt. Instead, you can use alternative cleansers such as natural running water or sunlight. If you must use salt, it is best to do it infrequently and for a short duration. Most crystal experts say you can leave citrine in salt for a maximum of four hours to prevent any harm.

Another alternative to using salt is to use a citrine cluster. A citrine cluster is a group of smaller citrine crystals that are growing together. It is perfect for charging other crystals as it can emit a powerful force of positive energy. You can place other crystals near the citrine cluster for a few hours to cleanse and charge them.

Sometimes, you may come across claims of using citrine in salt with positive results. However, it is essential to note that this method may work for some but can damage your citrine crystal as well. In most cases, it is not worth the risk of damaging the crystals with salt when safer alternatives are available.

If you are going to use salt to cleanse or charge your citrine crystal then the following in depth guide will help you to use it more safely.

Can citrine go in salt
Can citrine go in salt

Background Information on Citrine

What is Citrine?

First off, what exactly is this citrine we’re so obsessed with? As a member of the quartz family, citrine boasts a vibrant range from pale yellow to a deep, burnt orange color. This unique hue comes from trace amounts of iron component found in this enchanting crystal. This attractive stone is known for its wonderful healing properties, particularly in promoting prosperity and abundance.

Metaphysical Properties

It’s not just the physical beauty that makes the citrine stone so popular; it’s also the metaphysical prowess. Citrine is said to absorb negative energy and transmute it into positive energy, making it a wonderful aid for mental health treatment and general well-being. Many healing crystals enthusiasts use citrine in their crystal therapy practices, specifically to bring about positive thoughts and attitudes.

Read also: What does citrine do?

Benefits of Salt Exposure for Citrine

When it comes to cleansing citrine, salt can often play a vital role. Salt has been used for centuries in various cultures as a purifier, capable of removing unwanted energies. When you cleanse citrine with salt, you’re effectively enabling the crystal to release any accumulated negative energy and recharge its inherent vibrational frequency.

Energetic Cleansing

Cleansing crystals with salt, specifically, is a method believed to help the crystals return to their natural state, devoid of any absorbed energy, be it negative or unwanted. When you put citrine in salt, you’re offering the stone a chance to rid itself of any energetically muddying influences it might have encountered.

Amplifying Properties

Salt doesn’t just cleanse citrine; it also amplifies its properties. Placing your citrine stone in salt can boost its energy, thereby intensifying its healing properties and making it a more potent tool in your crystal therapy toolbox.

Can Citrine Go in Salt Water?

Alright, we’ve established that dry salt can be used at your own risk. But what happens when we throw water into the mix?

Pros and Cons

Allowing citrine to soak in salt water overnight can have similar benefits to using dry salt. However, while salt water can cleanse and amplify the properties of the citrine crystal, extended exposure may cause some slight wear. Citrine is a hard stone and isn’t water soluble like other stones, but still, long periods in salt water may not be the best idea.


If you decide to soak your citrine in salt water, be sure to only use unprocessed salt, such as sea or Himalayan pink salt. Avoid using table salt or any other processed salts that could be chemically treated and potentially damage your crystal. Additionally, try not to exceed 12-hour intervals; this should be enough time for the cleansing and amplifying benefits of the salt water to take effect.

Once you are ready to take your crystal out of the salt water, rinse it with clean water and be sure to fully dry it with a soft cloth. The salt water can be soaked up from the surface of the stone and reabsorbed if not properly dried, potentially causing harm over time.

Read also: Can citrine go in water?

What Type of Salt is Best for Citrine?

Let’s take a peek at our salt options now. Not all salts are created equal when it comes to cleansing citrine.

Sea Salt vs Table Salt

For cleansing crystals, many practitioners prefer to use sea salt over table salt. The reason? Sea salt is less processed and closer to nature, making it a more potent cleanser in the metaphysical realm. Table salt will do in a pinch, but sea salt is certainly the front runner when it comes to cleansing citrine.

Himalayan Pink Salt

Himalayan salt is another fantastic option. Its pink hue comes from the numerous minerals it contains, further enhancing its ability to cleanse and charge your citrine crystals.

So, can citrine go in Himalayan salt? Absolutely. It’s another resounding yes from the crystal universe. Cleansing citrine in Himalayan salt could potentially give your stone an even more potent energetic cleansing.

Remember, whatever type of salt you use, the goal is the same: cleanse and recharge your citrine crystal, helping it to better absorb negative energy and amplify its inherent healing properties.

Can I Charge Citrine in Salt?

Step-by-Step Guide

Salt not only cleanses citrine but it also charges the stone, amplifying its inherent properties. So, can you charge your citrine in salt? The answer is again, yes if you are careful. Here’s a simple guide on how to do it:

  1. Take a bowl large enough to fit your citrine crystal. Fill it up with sea salt, Himalayan salt, or even table salt if that’s what you have on hand.
  2. Bury your citrine stone in the salt. Make sure the stone is completely covered.
  3. Leave your citrine in the salt for a few hours. You can even leave it overnight.
  4. After the charging period, remove your citrine from the salt and brush off any residual salt. If you used sea salt or normal water, rinse your citrine under running water for a few seconds and pat dry with a soft cloth.
  5. Your citrine crystal is now charged and ready for use!

Can You Cleanse Citrine in Salt?

Instructions and Methods

Salt is an excellent medium for cleansing crystals, citrine included. Cleansing your citrine in salt is simple and easy. Here’s a basic step-by-step guide:

  1. Fill a bowl with salt. Sea salt or Himalayan salt is preferred, but table salt will also work.
  2. Place your citrine stone in the bowl, ensuring that it is fully immersed in the salt.
  3. Leave your citrine in the salt for a few hours or overnight to allow the salt to absorb any negative energies.
  4. After the cleansing period, remove the citrine and clean off any residual salt. If you have used salt water for the cleansing, rinse the stone under running water and pat dry.
  5. Your citrine crystal is now cleansed and ready to use!

Alternatives to Salt

Although salt is a popular choice for cleansing citrine, it isn’t the only option. Other methods include:

  1. Moon Water: This involves placing your citrine stone in a bowl of water and leaving it outside under the full moon. This cleansing method is popular for its gentle yet potent ability to cleanse and recharge crystals.
  2. Smudging: This involves wafting the smoke of dried sage, palo santo, or other smudging herbs around your citrine crystal.
  3. Sound Therapy: This involves using sound waves from tuning forks or singing bowls to cleanse your crystal.
  4. Running Water: This involves holding your citrine crystal under running water for a few minutes. Since citrine is a hard stone, it is considered water safe and can be cleansed this way.

Will Salt Damage Citrine?

While citrine is a hard crystal and generally resistant to most environmental factors, overexposure to salt, especially for extended periods, may cause some minor wear and tear. As citrine is a hard stone on the Mohs hardness scale, it can withstand some level of salt exposure. However, as a responsible crystal owner, it’s essential to keep any cleanse and charging sessions within a reasonable timeframe – a few hours or overnight should suffice.

Other Factors That Can Affect Your Citrine Crystal

Citrine, like other stones, is a product of the Earth and is therefore subject to the influences of the elements. Apart from salt, water, and heat, several other factors can affect your citrine.


You might ask, “Can citrine go in water?” It’s a valid question. Many crystals are water-soluble or have water-soluble components, which can erode or degrade when immersed in water for extended periods. However, citrine is water safe. Its chemical composition consists of silicon dioxide, a substance that does not dissolve in water.

But remember, just because citrine is water safe doesn’t mean it should be left in water indefinitely. Short periods, like a quick rinse or a few hours in moon water for cleansing or charging, are perfectly fine.


While citrine can handle a reasonable amount of sun exposure, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can cause the stone’s color to fade over time. A spot that receives indirect sunlight is best for your citrine crystal.

Read also: Can citrine go in the sun?

Conclusion: Can Citrine Go in Salt?

After a comprehensive exploration, we can definitively answer: “Yes, citrine can go in salt.” Whether for cleansing, charging, or other practices, salt can be a valuable tool in your citrine crystal’s maintenance routine.

But remember to use common sense and not to leave your citrine stone in salt or salt water for overly long periods. And while citrine is a hard stone that can withstand environmental factors better than softer stones like rose quartz, it’s still essential to treat it with care.

If you’re new to crystal therapy, citrine is a great starting point. Its radiant energy promotes positive thoughts and is said to absorb negative energy, making it a fantastic aid in mental health treatment. However, remember that while citrine and other crystals may support mental health, they should never replace consultation with a qualified medical professional.

Maintenance Tips for Citrine

To keep your citrine stone at its best, follow these maintenance tips:

  1. Regular Cleansing: As with all crystals, regular crystal cleansing is essential to ensure your citrine crystal is at its most effective. Depending on your use, aim to cleanse your citrine at least once a month.
  2. Safe Storage: When not in use, store your citrine crystal in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.
  3. Handle with Care: Although citrine is a hard crystal, it’s still a good idea to handle it gently to avoid chipping or scratching it.

Read also: Where should I put my citrine crystal?

Conclusion: Can Citrine Go In Salt?

In conclusion, citrine is a beautiful and powerful crystal that requires some extra care when it comes to using salt. While it is possible to use citrine in salt, it is better to avoid it altogether. There are alternative methods such as running water and sunlight that work just as well without posing a risk of damaging your precious citrine. Remember, the key is to handle your crystals with care and love, and they will keep giving you their best energies for many years to come.

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